I do not want to stop!

“Fixed that the status bar height was incorrect!” Hello, everyone! I’m Ryota, Hayaemon developer. On this update, we fixed that the status bar height was incorrect. This update is very small, but the main screen area is wider than previous version. So please update this app. “After development” After I began to write a long sentence for update log, ten month passed. For the past ten months, There were many opinions about “writing a long sentence for update log”. There were positive opinions and negative opinions. Just the other day, I discussed with a boy of a senior high school on Twitter. His opinion was very interesting, because he talked logically. His opinion was this. “When I read update log, for knowing what is update detail, I access update screen. On this time, if I find such a long sentence, I feel frustrated about this. For example, when the update log is lined up with LINE, Hayaemon, Twitter, I will read from the top, but since Hayaemon log is so long it takes time to go to Twitter. So please stop to write a long sentence.” I explained for him easy, so I want to talk about “Why writing a long sentence for update log?”. There are three reasons that I write a long sentence for update log. The first reason is because I want you to know me more. This is the most important reason for me. App development takes a lot of time and is a lonely task. Even if I fix a little, it will take a lot of time. If I do update silently and write update history as well as the necessary minimum …… I will be tired to do it. So if I write a long sentence for update log, many users send to me a message, I can connect with many users. This is the biggest reason of writing a long sentence. The second reason is because there is no one to write a long sentence for update log. I have never found a long sentence for update log except mine. It is a computational reason that a long sentence that comes in a short update log has an impact. There are many people who take screenshots from the appearance impact and share them with various SNS. In other words, writing long sentences leads to publicity. The last reason is simple. Because writing a long sentence is very fun. Mostly I write long sentences on the iPhone, and I can’t stop that. My brain and fingers are connected directly, so fingers write a long sentence automatically. So, it is becoming a style to write what I thought as it is. In other words, That is an application called “Hayaemon” including a long sentence update history. Hayaemon is an application like this. To the high school student I suggested “If you have a update log like LINE, Hayaemon, Twitter, how about reading the update log in the order LINE, Twitter, Hayaemon?”. The update log is not displayed unless we tap, so we can control the reading order by reading side. I’m sorry for those who feel uncomfortable, but there are such various reasons, so I don’t stop to write a long sentence at all. The ones who dislike a long sentence, please do not read. If I receive the message that “Stop a long sentence!”, there is no meaning. To waste time is useless and we get tired each other. I appreciate your understanding. From now, when I receive the comment like “Stop a long sentence!”, I return message that “I do not want to stop!”. Well, we have a project. The project theme is “We want to deliver Hayaemon to 1 million people.” So I want to share the project progress. Current total download number is 223,267. The remaining number is 776,733 people. It came closer! Please promote Hayaemon. Please rate Hayaemon on the App Store. Thanks your cooperation. So Enjoy “Your” Music with Hayaemon!!



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